Reach top positions and boost your with SEO

Optimal natural search engine optimization

Whether you're a start-up, micro-business or SME, you want to appear in the top results of search engine pages without using a paid ad. You're right: 91 % of clicks on Google are on the first page! Find out how to reach the top positions and boost your visibility through SEO (search engine optimization)

SEO for website optimization

Optimal natural search engine optimization

A search is made up of keywords, for which Google will create a results page, also known as a "results page". SERP for Search Engine Result Page. To ensure that your site appears at the very top of the results, its content must be optimized for a specific audience. SEO referencing.

Visit SEOSearch Engine Optimization or natural referencingThe aim of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to optimize your website's positioning in the results of search engines like Google. It is the opposite of paid search, the SEA ( for Search Engine Advertising ), which places a link under an "Ad" banner for a set period of time, in return for payment.

As for him, SEO is the art of handling words ( called copywriting in digital communications ) to offer a quality content to Google, and therefore to its users. In this way, the American search engine places in the top positions those websites whose content meets its expectations, both in terms of background than on shape.

The Sud Com Conseil experience, the development of a personalized and effective action plan

Optimal natural search engine optimization

As a web agency specializing indevelopment support and digital transformation, Sud Com Conseil knows all the tricks for aiming for the top spots on Google.

Whether your project is the website creation or taking over an existing one to modernize and revitalize it, we optimize your online storefront for natural referencing. Together, we develop your web strategy and develop solutions tailored to your needs and desires

Natural referencing: your ally for long-term visibility

Optimal natural search engine optimization

Invest in compelling content for quality traffic

Optimal natural search engine optimization

SEO may be free of charge, but it's a central element of any digital strategy. Entrusting this task to qualified people represents a real pioneering investment:

  • a better online visibility,
  • from more qualified traffic,
  • therefore more prospects to turn into customers.

So you see: websites that are favored on the SERP benefit from a real KING by attracting more visitors and, by the same token, increasing their sales.

Whether you're a start-up, micro-business or SME, you want to appear in the top results of search engine pages without using a paid ad. You're right: 91 % of clicks on Google are on the first page!

Gain a competitive edge

Optimal natural search engine optimization

Positioning is the key to online success! Whether you're selling goods or services, the important thing is toattract traffic from your competitors on your website. Then, using the action plan developed with your agency Sud Com Conseilyou'll be able to turn these surfers into prospects, then customers, and even loyal clients!

Reap the rewards of your investment over the long term

Optimal natural search engine optimization

While SEA is ephemeral, SEO produces effects on the long term. long term. SEA consists in quickly and artificially placing a link in pole position in the SERP by renting the space of the advertising insert according to specific keywords. SEO, on the other hand, is a time-consuming process, but one in which the results are not always obvious.efficiency will be permanent over time.

Want to get started on your project, or need more information? Contact us !
